Thursday, December 18, 2014

10 Tips To Keep You Safe And Warm This Winter

Every winter the days get longer and the nights get colder. We don't always consider the hazards that can pop up when we are trying to stay warm, healthy and happy. Here are 10 helpful tips to stay safe and warm.
1 - Winterize your home by installing proper insulation and weather stripping. Also, make sure you insulate any water lines that run along exterior walls; no one wants to deal with frozen pipes.
2 - Be prepared for weather-related emergencies, including power outages. Make a home emergency kit to include: blankets; food/water, flashlights, radio/batteries, and a first-aid kit.
3 - Check your heating system. Make sure your ducts are clean. If you have a fireplace, clean the chimney and check for any cracks. Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and test them monthly. Don't leave space heaters running when you aren't in the room.
4 - Bring your pets indoors. If you are cold, most likely, so are they. If you can't bring them inside, make sure they have somewhere to go to get out of the weather.
5 - Watch out for ice. Keep a bag of kitty litter or rock salt on hand to help keep ice off your walkways. Take your time and walk slowly if you must walk on the ice.
6 - Plan ahead if you must travel in extreme weather. Make sure your tires have adequate tread and air pressure. Keep a set of chains in your vehicle at all times. Keep your gas tank full to avoid ice in the fuel lines.
7 - If you have older neighbors, check on them. They may not be able to leave their homes to get what they need.
8 - If you are putting up a Christmas tree and lights outside, unplug them when you are not going to be home. Make sure you are not connecting too many strands to one outlet. Water your tree to prevent it from getting too dry.
9 - Stay healthy both physically and emotionally. Exercise and eat regularly and stay hydrated by drinking lots of water. Bundle up when you go out in the cold.
10 - When cooking inside, be smart about it. Don't bring your barbecue or turkey fryer into the house. Also, don't turn the oven on and walk away without setting a timer.

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