Monday, September 5, 2016

From Unhappy to Happy...

As a child I was not happy. I actually had to learn to be happy & learn to get comfortable with smiling and laughing. Through my life lessons I learned how to be happy and I wanted to share what I have learned with my clients, friends and family to help build your happiness plan for a more fulfilling life. These principals have changed the way I interact with my friends, family & clients & increased my capacity to live a better life.

Happiness is a mental and emotional state of well being.

4 things happiness is not
  • a genetic disposition
  • not contingent on anything or anyone
  • a constant state
  • is not just for others 
4 things happiness is
  • a choice
  • an attitude
  • a commitment
  • a byproduct of a daily intent to lived an inspired life

4 things when people are the most happiest
  • When you are growing
  • When your actions are aligned with your beliefs
  • When you are healthy
  • When you are connecting

5 Tips for Daily Happiness
  • Daily meditation/silence
  • Exercise 20 minutes per day
  • Write 3 things you are grateful for each day
  • Send a note or email of encouragement to one person
  • Describe one new positive experience over the last 24 hours
The days are long, the years are short, make today count.

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